Pre-teach these words or phrases:
Tell the children you’re about to a read a text about moons. Ask what they already know about the moon which orbits earth, and moons orbiting other planets. Explain that they will be reading about how moons are formed and how they vary; for example, some moons have volcanic activity!
Read the whole text fluently.
Ask the discussion questions on the board.
Show the children the section with the phrases already marked.
Shared text mark the next section.
Tell the children to mark the next section on their own. Go through this together.
Explain that the children need to imagine that they are a science TV presenter like Brian Cox. They need to read in the same enthusiastic and informative style.
Echo read the section you phrase marked together, pausing where you feel it’s appropriate to enable the children to echo back fluently. Provide feedback eg. emphasising particular words, pausing at punctuation.
Children can practise reading the whole text to each other in the science TV presenter style.
Ask for volunteers to present a section of the text to the class as if they were filming a science TV show. You could find some images of moons to display on the board as a backdrop.
Give the children time to talk through the questions and answer them together or independently.
Share examples in the class.